Why do Summer POP- UP Life Groups exist?

Life groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together.

We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why small groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

What are Summer POP-UP Life Groups?

This summer, Promise is excited to introduce Summer Pop-Up Life Groups! These one-off events, hosted by various Life Groups, offer a fantastic opportunity for everyone—whether you're new to the church, haven't joined a Life Group yet, or simply want to explore different groups. Join us for a series of fun, engaging activities designed to help you connect with others and experience the vibrant community at Promise. Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship this summer!

Why should I join a Summer Pop-Up Life Group?

It is through doing life together that our problems become smaller and God uses others to bring healing, support and encouragement to our lives—whether we realize we need it or not. Your life group will quickly become a place where others don’t just know your name, but care about what is happening in your life.

june 7th

''Promise Youth"

"Summer Movie Night"

June 14th

" Book Chatter"

"Ladies Movie Night"

June 22nd


"Coffee Break"

July 4th

''Sunday dinner home group"

"July FOURTH Edition"

July 6th


"Old Fashioned Singalong"

July 14th


"Noche De Fiesta Y Alabanza (Night Of Celebration & Praise)"

July 27th

"Promise Skaters"

"Family Fun Day"

August 3rd

''Espresso Yourself"

"Picnic In The Park"

Are you ready to lead a group?

Are you interested in leading or hosting a Life Group? Fill out this quick form and one of our leaders will be in touch with you about your next steps!